In this post-apocalyptic horror, one woman fights against the dead-not-dead while struggling to determine whose help she really needs.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Smoke Test!
about 1 year ago
– Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 02:06:02 PM
Some of you received a smoke test survey from BackerKit. If that's you, please fill that out as soon as possible.
Once I get those back, I can send out surveys to everyone else. Your books are almost ready to go. I just need to collect some information (included in the surveys), and then I'll start shipping.
eBooks will go out first, so you'll have a digital look at the finished product.
I can't wait to see these books. As always thanks for your support!
Second artwork reveal!
about 1 year ago
– Sat, Dec 16, 2023 at 12:18:37 PM
Hi there!
I'm here with a first look at the second piece of artwork in your Dead-Not-Dead Special Edition! Christian Ardila really knocked it out of the park with these two pieces!
Here's Natalie and Franklin:
Complete with unicorn notebook!
I'm so happy with these pieces, and you should be too as they will be in all versions of this special edition.
What happens next?
Within about 2 weeks you will see a survey come from BackerKit. It is SUPER important that you fill this out so I know where to send all your goodies. You don’t need to have a BackerKit account to complete the survey. You will receive an update from me once surveys have been sent out, so check your spam folder if you didn’t get it.
I can’t wait to hold these awesome books in my hands!
over 1 year ago
– Mon, Dec 04, 2023 at 04:30:22 PM
We're successfully funded thanks to you! And in a surprising twist (something Jay Ishino is a big fan of), we hit our second stretch goal today! So that means everyone will get a FREE AUDIOBOOK!
Dead-Not-Dead is my favorite book, and I'm excited to make this special edition for you, and I cannot wait to hear it in all its audio glory!
What happens next?
I am over the moon, and can’t wait to see these supercool books you helped bring to life. I know you’re going to love them as I have an amazing team working to bring these to life.
What happens next?
Kickstarter will transfer the funds to my account, which may take up to two weeks. Once that happens, production on your book can begin.
After that, you'll receive a super important survey to fill out so I can deliver you all your amazing goodies. Stay tuned!
Meanwhile, here's a cool campaign for you to check out!
1st Stretch Goal Reached!
over 1 year ago
– Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 05:49:19 PM
Well, we hit our first Stretch Goal, which means EVERYONE gets 2 illustrated scenes inside your book!
My artist, Christian Ardila, just sent over the first scene (but not chronologically), and I can't sit on this, so here's your first look at Chloe!
Chloe in the rose garden is a pretty important scene (which I won't spoil for you if you haven't read the book), so I had to have it drawn up for you.
These books are going to be supercool!
Our next Stretch Goal is the audiobook at $1500, and as a special incentive if we hit that goal, I'll add it to everyone's pledge automatically! So get the word out! If we hit it, you get a free audiobook!
With 3 days left can we do it? Well, I have hope, and I'm off to shout it from the rooftops! Let's get that audiobook!
Meanwhile, here's some cool campaigns to check out:
So close!
over 1 year ago
– Sun, Nov 19, 2023 at 06:38:35 PM
We are SO CLOSE to hitting the first Stretch Goal which will give you not one but TWO illustrated scenes inside the book.
You might remember Christian Ardila. He did my art for Rain.
Rain vs. the wolf
I've already talked to him about my ideas for Dead, and he's excited to do the pieces.
If we hit that goal, I can't wait to show you what he does!
Feel free to share Dead with anyone you think might be interested and let's smash the first Stretch Goal!